F.A.Q. sugli xyz (exceed)

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    Extra stuff under FAQ

    Q: Can you use monsters which cannot be released / cannot be used as fusion or synchro materials for an Exceed summon?
    A: Yes you may

    Q: If you use a trap monster as an Exceed summon, can you use the magic / trap zone the trap monster was originally on?
    A: Once the trap monster has been used for an Exceed summon, you may use the magic / trap zone

    Q: If you use a monster that was revived through Call of Haunted for an Exceed summon, will Call of Haunted be destroyed?
    A: No, Call of Haunted will not be destroyed

    Q: If you use a monster that was revived through Angel Lift / Miracle Fertilizer for an Exceed summon, will those cards be destroyed?
    A: No, it will not be destroyed

    Q: If you use a monster that was revived / controlled through Birthright / Tuner's Scheme for an Exceed summon, will those cards be destroyed?
    A: 調整中 (Wiki's famous 3 word answer for to be confirmed)

    Q: If you use Doom Shaman's effect to revive a demon from your grave, then use Doom Shaman for an Exceed summon, will the revived demon be destroyed?
    A: No, it will not be destroyed (Looks like some new abuse method after Zombie Carrier)

    Q: If the Doom Shaman as an Exceed material from the above example is sent to grave, will the revived demon be destroyed?
    A: No, it will not be destroyed

    Q: When you activate an Exceed monster's effect and remove an Exceed material, is the Exceed material sent to grave?
    A: Yes, it is sent to grave (Sounds like some super obvious answer, oh well)

    Q: Q: If Banisher of Radiance or Macrocosmos is on the field and the Exceed monster activates its effect and removes an Exceed material, what happens to the Exceed material?
    A: The Exceed material is removed from game

    Q: If Dimension Fissure is on the field and the and the Exceed monster activates its effect and removes an Exceed material, what happens to the Exceed material?
    A: The Exceed materials are sent to grave

    -> The above 2 questions are similar to the questions on my previous blog post, with the exception that this is for activating effect, while previously it was for the Exceed monster leaving the field. Seems like an extremely obvious answer which we can derive from the previous example. I guess its just to be even more obvious for questions any rule sharkers may ask

    Q: If a Zombie Carrier has used its revival effect, and is used for an Exceed summon, then leaves the field as cost to activate the Exceed monster's effect, is the Zombie Carrier sent to grave?
    A: Yes, the Zombie Carrier is sent to grave (Again more obvious answer)

    Q: If Dragunity Phalanx is used for an Exceed summon, can you activate Dragunity Phalanx's effect?
    A: No, as becoming an Exceed material is different from being an equipment card (LOL question)

    Q: If you use Elemental Hero - Absolute Zero for an Exceed summon, can you activate Absolute Zero's effect?
    A: No you may not, as the card is not considered to have left field (Fail)

    Q: If Elemental Hero - Absolute Zero is an Exceed material and leaves play, can you activate Absolute Zero's effect?
    A: No you may not, as the card is not considered to have left field (Even more fail. I guess as per Exceed summon rulings from the previous post, becoming an Exceed material, and from an Exceed material status to enter grave, both are not considered as leaving field) -> No Reborn Tengu abuse for you

    Q: If Light & Darkness Dragon is an Exceed material and the Exceed monster is destroyed, can you activate LADD's effect?
    A: No, as it is not considered to be destroyed and sent to grave

    Q: If you have Demon Summon on the field as an Exceed material with no other cards having Demon in its name, and you activate Falling Down, will Falling Down self destruct?
    A: Yes, since you are not considered to have any monsters on the field that has Demon in its name.

    Q: If you have Rai-Jin on the field as an Exceed material with no other Rai-Jin on the field, can you summon Rai-Jin?
    A: Yes you may, as the previous Rai-Jin is not considered to be on the field

    Q: If you have 2 monsters with the effect (You may only have 1 copy of the card with the same name on the field), which had their effect negated by Skill Drain, and both were used for an Exceed summon. If the Skill Drain is destroyed after that, what happens to the 2 Exceed materials with the same name?
    A: Nothing happens, as the 2 Exceed materials are not considered as monsters and therefore were not even affected by Skill Drain in the first place (This is in sync with the previous ruling that Exceed materials are not on the field, so they are not even affected by the 'only 1 copy on the field' effect anyway. This is probably a more accurate explanation of the ruling)

    Q: A flipped summoned Dark Familiar (TCG - Spear Cretin) is used for an Exceed summon. When it is sent to grave as an Exceed material, can you activate its effect?
    A: No you may not. (Seems like a different ruling that conflicts with Dandylion. I would explain it as its effect has disappeared once it became an Exceed material, since its effect has an additional condition to it)

    Q: If Vairon Stealer is used for an Exceed summon. When it is sent to grave as an Exceed material, can you activate its effect?
    A: No you may not. (Since it is not considered to be on the field, it cannot be considered to have entered grave from the monster card zone)

    Q: Can you use Dark Highlander's effect on an Exceed monster which has Exceed material(s)?
    A: No as Exceed material(s) is not considered as an equipment card.

    In parole povere:

    - Se un mostro trappola (es.Poltiglia Rifletti Metalli ) viene usato per una xyz evocazione, lo spazio delle magie e trappole che riempiva potrà essere riutilizzato

    - se evochi un mostro con Richiamo del Posseduto e poi lo usi come materiale xyz, richiamo rimarrà sul terreno.

    - Quando si attiva "stacca" un materiale xyz da un xyz, esso verrà mandato al cimitero (salvo eccezzioni stile macro cosmo)

    - Se carte come Macro Cosmo o simili sono sul terreno, quando un mostro materiale xyz viene "staccato, anzichè andare al cimitero verrà rimosso

    - Se Spaccatura Dimensionale è sul terreno, quando un mostro materiale xyz viene "staccato" andrà al cimitero perché fin nel momento in cui va al cimitero è considerato materiale xyz e non mostro.

    - Se carte come Zombie Untore attivano il loro effetto e successivamente vengono usati come mostri materiali xyz andranno al cimitero quando verrano "staccati" dal momento che non sono più considerati sul terreno

    - Se carte come EROE elementale zero assoluto vengono usate come mostri materiali xyz, i loro effetti non verranno applicati.
    Stessa cosa quando viene "staccato"

    - Se carte come Rai-Jin vengono usate come mostri materiale xyz successivamente si potrà evocarne un' altra copia

    - Se Lancia Demente è usato come mostro materiale xyz dopo essere stato scoperto non potrà comunque usare il suo effetto quando andrà al cimitero (a differenza di dente di leone esso ha un effetto scoperta, pertanto il suo effetto viene automaticamente annulato quando viene usato come materiale xyz)

    - Se Dente di Leone è usato come materiale xyz e viene successivamente "staccato" il suo effetto si attiverà in quanto dice che in qualsiasi modo esso vada al cimitero si applica il suo effetto (a differenza di carte come sangan che dicono dal terreno al cimitero)

    Edited by ~Desu za kiddo - 8/3/2012, 11:19
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